Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pieces of a Puzzle

Puzzles are time consuming.  It is an involvement of viewing all the intricate pieces scattered before me and the tedious process of finding each interlocking connection for the sole purpose of creating the elegant masterpiece on the box.  Nonetheless, there is a lesson to be learned from puzzles.  Each piece of a puzzle is only representative of a larger picture.  If you only held one piece in your hand, apart from what is shown on the box, you would not be able to identify the complete picture.  We often force the interlocking pieces to fit where we think it fits.  That is the mistake we too often make in seeking God’s will in our lives.  First, in God’s complete plan for our lives, each circumstance, each teachable moment, and each event is but a piece of a puzzle in which God is shaping together to enable us to be a finished product in our lives.  There is a purpose.  It is not while we are working on the puzzle when we can see the picture for it is when we have completed it when we are able to do so.  It will serve us well to remember the way God operates or thinks is much often much different than the way we think He should operate.  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8)  It is said that the Will of God is like reading a Hebrew book.  In the Hebrew book, you read from the back to the front.  It is only after we have been through the process in God’s plan when we can often look back and see why God allowed certain things to happen in life.  And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Roman 8:28) Those moments in life are not occurring for some vain or vague reason.  They are occurring for a purpose in which is beneficial to us beyond our reasoning and understanding.  Much like a Hebrew book, it is not until the time has passed and the work is completed when we can look back and say, “That’s why”.  It is hard to fathom when enduring such a moment but it is then when we must simply trust and allow God to operate within our life.  If you can’t see it, then chances are God is not finish, yet.  Secondly, while waiting on God’s plan to be revealed, we must not allow doubt and discouragement to sink in.  Oh how we oftentimes let our human frailty to control our emotions and patience.  After grasping each piece of the puzzle and to our disappointment, we often find that those pieces of the puzzles that we were so sure would fit, in fact did not.  Our patience wears thin and too often we quit before the puzzle is finished.  Waiting on God in your life requires absolute patience.  Let the pieces come together and allow it to be completed and watch the joyous transformation as God’s will and purpose for your life comes into full focus. My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:3-5)  There must be a willingness within us to allow this happen.  God truly does have a purpose and a plan for all of us.  It is up to us to allow God to slowly piece together His plan in our lives and allow each teachable moment and circumstance reveal to us a masterpiece that is called life.  Our attitude must be like that of the Psalmist: Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. (Psalms 25:4)  There are but two ways in life: God’s way or our way.  To see the difference is to see the end result.  In God’s way, the end result is a beautiful picture and you can see how all the interlocking pieces fit together to make the picture before you.  Our way, the results are often muddled or obscured.  Our steps are much like Bil Keane’s “Family Circus” portrayal of a child going from Point A to Point B, there is no sense of direction and the footsteps are all over the place.  They say it takes patience to complete a puzzle.  So does waiting on God’s plan for one’s life.  They say there is a gratifying emotional element in completing a puzzle.  So does waiting on God’s plan in one’s life.  What is happening in your life?  Are you facing a teachable moment?  Throw yourself into the arms of God and let Him work within you a greater plan.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:6)  For what is happening in your life is but a piece of the puzzle.

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