Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Nativity Scene

 A local church in the country had set up a live nativity scene.  One night I made it my purpose to see this beautiful scene of a young couple surrounding a manger filled with hay.  Everything they used that night was live.  Camels, sheep, horses and even a mangy stray dog.  From a distance I could see the spotlight as it shone directly into the air.  As I parked my car, I walked to the scene and wanted to sit and reflect on that special night over two thousand years ago.  It was a night that changed the world.  As I approached the old rustic stable, I joined the throng of people who were already there.  They had broke into a chorus of “Come, All Ye Faithful”.  As I listened to the words that were being sung, the spirit of Christmas was being freshly renewed within me.  There were the shepherds kneeling by their bleating sheep , the ones who first heard the heralded announcement of the birth of the Son of God, in a praying pose, their camels were behind them.  There was Mary, God’s chosen vessel in which Jesus was to come into this world, with a gentle smile on her face as she held her hands together looking into the manger.  There was Joseph, the patient and obedient servant of God who remained committed to Mary and to the commandment of God.  I was amazed at the scene unfolding before me and took note that their pose seemed as though they were in a silent worship mode.  Then, there was the manger.  It was empty?  In the background I saw a babe wrapped in white cloth being calmly silenced by its mother, the one who was to play the role of Baby Jesus.  My eyes returned its focus on the empty manger in front of me.  There was nothing but handfuls of hay to serve as some type of comfort to the newborn babe.  Then I asked…what if?
                What if there had been no Son of God to come into this world?  Would we still be offering up the sacrifice of sheep for our sins?  Can you imagine the various ceremonies that we would have to participate in just to ensure that we were in right standing with God?  Would there be enough sheep to go around for everyone?  What if there had been no cross?  Without the cross, there would have been no resurrection.  Without the resurrection there would have been no hope for victory over death.  On and on, my mind began to ask, “what if?”  But then the reality of the empty manger set in. 
In the lives of many people, the manger is empty.  Working in a retail environment, I could not help but read in disgust an important bulletin from the main offices of the company.  It topic was in regards to saying “Merry Christmas”.  It was recommended that we use the term “Happy Holidays” since we would be including all the holidays that are recognized at this time of the year.  My heart sunk.  The manger was empty.  Without Christ, there would be nothing to celebrate.  Hope is lost.  Salvation would still be that hard to attain goal.  Even the images of Christmas have some representation to things that are Scriptural.  The shepherds remind me of Christmas carolers.  The star on top of the tree reminds me of that special star that lead the wise men from the east to visit Baby Jesus at the tender age of two years old.  The many lights on the Christmas tree remind me of the starry night that blanketed the shepherds.  Even the tree itself serves as a reminder to me, that the Son of God was crucified upon an old rugged cross, hewn from a rustic tree.  The gifts?  Of course no explanation is needed.  It serves as a reminder that God so loved us, even if we did not deserve that He gave his only Son, that if we simply believe on Him, we shall have everlasting life.  What if there was no Christ? 
The hearts of many people are much like that manger in that live nativity scene.  Empty and void.  Many people simply have not accepted Christ and know Him as their personal Savior.  Their attitudes are much like the innkeepers at that time.  There is no room.  They will gladly make room for many of the worldly and secular activities in their life, but not for Christ.  To them, there is no Christ.  So they seek to fill their mangers with things that satisfy on a temporary and limited basis.  In time, it will only lead them to find something else to satisfy them.  If only they knew that true joy to the world came upon that midnight clear one silent night as shepherds watched their flock by night.  He left His glorious throne and came to this world.  He did not choose a way that would be fit for an earthly king, but it was fit enough for Him.  He gave up His life, to give His life for our sins.  What if there had been no Jesus?
The mother of the baby quietly walked to the manger and laid down her now quietly sleeping child.  “Away in the manger, no crib for a bed”, someone began to softly sing.  Quietly, we all began to join in the chorus.  I looked at the baby wrapped in her blanket sleeping soundly.  I gazed into the chilly starry night and picked out the brightest star I could find.  With a smile on my face, I offered up a word of prayer and said “Thank you Lord for being in my heart.  This manger is yours.”

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